Books by Paul Stamets

Mycelium Running
This book is a manual for the mycological rescue of the planet. Setting the stage for the mycorestoration revolution, Mycelium Running unveils new methods for growing mushrooms, generating mycelium, and implanting mushroom colonies into the environment. Capitalizing on the digestive power of mycelium, this pioneering book shows how to strengthen sustainability of habitats while providing a multitude of biological benefits. Based upon the premise that habitats and humans (animals) have immune systems, and that mushrooms are the beneficial bridges for both, Mycelium Running marks the dawn of a new era: the use of mycelial membranes for ecological health. Linking mushroom cultivation, permaculture, ecoforestry, bioremediation and soil enhancement, Stamets makes the case that mushroom farms can be reinvented as healing arts centers, steering ecological evolution for the benefit of humans living in harmony with its inhabitants. Four components of mycorestoration are described in detail:
- Mycofiltration: the filtration of biological and chemical pathogens as well as controlling erosion
- Mycoforestry and mycogardening:the use of mycelium for companion cultivation for the benefit and protection of plants.
- Mycoremediation: the use of mycelium for decomposing toxic wastes and pollutants.
- Mycopesticides: the use of mycelium for attracting and controlling insect populations.
Moreover, Mycelium Running has chapters on nutrition, medicinal properties, log and stump culture, natural culture, using easy to use and low-tech techniques, and much more. In total, 28 species are fully described. Heavily referenced and beautifully illustrated, this book is destined to be a classic reference for generations to come. Softcover, 356 pages, with over 360 color photographs.

Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms
After years of living in awe of the mysterious fungi known as mushrooms-chefs, health enthusiasts, and home cooks alike can’t get enough of these rich, delicate morsels. With updated production techniques for home and commercial cultivation, detailed growth parameters for 31 mushroom species, a troubleshooting guide, and handy gardening tips, this revised and updated handbook will make your mycological landscapes the envy of the neighborhood.

The Mushroom Cultivator
by Paul Stamets and J.S. Chilton
This book details the cultivation of 16 edible (including the Button/Portobello mushrooms) and health-promoting species and control measures for 40 genera of contaminants. 415 pages, with 249 black and white photographs, diagrams and scanning electron micrographs, this book is highly reviewed and used throughout the world as a mycological textbook. Known throughout the world as “The Grower’s Bible."