Fungi Perfecti Attends The Mushroom Summit Inaugural Event & Demonstrates Activity of Mushroom Mycelium*

OLYMPIA, WA: Fungi Perfecti® - makers of Host Defense® Mushrooms™ - attends The Mushroom Summit inaugural event and demonstrates activity of mushroom mycelium.
As mushroom supplement category leaders, key Fungi Perfecti staff attend The Mushroom Summit to continue the advancement of the science on mushroom mycelium for human health applications.*†
Senior Research Scientist at Fungi Perfecti, Regan Nally, PhD, is one of five participants on the discussion panel: Mycelium on Grain vs Fruiting Body: Quality Control & Mushroom Biology. With a specialization in Organic Chemistry, Dr. Nally provides expertise in secondary metabolite production of mushroom mycelium, including testing bioefficacy of mycelial fractions in cell lines and their interface with human biology and health. This specialization informs her insight into and extensive knowledge of appropriate testing methods to demonstrate immunological activity in mushroom mycelium and fruit body ingredients, beyond constituent quantification.
Two additional in-house experts at Fungi Perfecti, Research Scientist, Chase Beathard, PhD, and Head of Science Education, Jerry Angelini, MS, co-present the featured Research Spotlight segment: Disambiguating the Mycelium and Fruit Body Discussion: Case Studies of Lion’s Mane and other Beneficial Mushrooms. Their presentation includes discussions on mushroom life cycle, fungal biochemistry, testing methodologies including efficacy, and novel research conducted by the Fungi Perfecti Research & Development team demonstrating neurite outgrowth induced by Lion’s Mane mycelium.*
The Mushroom Summit is co-located with Psychedelic Science 2023, the largest psychedelic gathering in history, where Fungi Perfecti Member, Founder, and Chief Science Officer Paul Stamets speaks on June 23.
Stamets’s mycological research began in the 1970's, and his work has continued through rigorous efforts undertaken by a team of research scientists at Fungi Perfecti since the late 1990's. Today, the Fungi Perfecti R&D team is engaged in ongoing cutting-edge mycological research and innovation.
To date, their team has published 77 peer-reviewed papers, of which Paul is a co-author or author on 28 of them. Members of the team have contributed their knowledge to well-respected academic journals, including Journal of Natural Products, Nature’s Scientific Reports, and Applied and Environmental Microbiology. The Fungi Perfecti R&D team is committed to seeking out new and innovative ways of using fungi - especially mushroom mycelium when harnessed in the form of supplements to support human health.*
Fungi Perfecti® - makers of Host Defense® Mushrooms™ - is a family-owned company specializing in mushroom mycelium-based supplements and drink mixes. Founded by Paul Stamets with the goal of building the bridge between people and fungi, Fungi Perfecti has become synonymous with cutting-edge mycological research and innovative mycological solutions in everything from water filtration (mycofiltration) and ecological rehabilitation (mycoremediation), to using beneficial mushrooms to combat Colony Collapse Disorder in bee populations and to support human health through their Host Defense Mushrooms supplements line. Their sustainability efforts are a natural extension of their continued mission to explore, study, preserve, and spread knowledge about the use of fungi for helping people and planet. Fungi Perfecti is a Certified B Corporation and is third-party designated as Climate Positive, offsetting 110% of their carbon emissions. Follow them on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn.*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
†: SPINSscan Natural/ 52 Wks Ending 3/26/2023