Fungi Perfecti® achieves CLIMATE POSITIVE designation by offsetting 110% of the combined totals of their scopes 1, 2 & 3 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions!

Committed to fighting climate change, Fungi Perfecti, LLC has always considered their impact on the environment. As the company has grown, the makers of Host Defense® Mushrooms™ have focused not only on decreasing their overall impact, but also increasing their positive impact.
For Fungi Perfecti, being carbon neutral was not enough. In addition to offsetting 100% of the combined totals of their Scopes 1, 2 & 3 emissions, they have gone even further and offset an additional 10% - making them 110% CLIMATE POSITIVE.
Working with Ostrom Climate, a leading carbon management solutions provider, Fungi Perfecti has achieved the Offsetters Climate Positive status, independently designating them as climate leaders.
Fungi Perfecti has taken the following steps to achieve their Climate Positive designation:
Step 1. Established their baseline
Fungi Perfecti calculated their carbon footprint, including Scopes 1, 2 & 3 emissions, with the help of reports generated by Ostrom Climate.
Step 2. Minimized their impact
With targeted reduction strategies across all aspects of their business, they decreased their overall impact.
Step 3. Supported offset projects
Working with Ostrom Climate, Fungi Perfecti has chosen to offset their emissions by supporting high-impact, Gold Standard offset projects that focus on creating a positive impact on the environment and in local and global communities.
Fungi Perfecti - makers of Host Defense Mushrooms - is a family-owned company specializing in mushroom mycelium-based supplements. Founded by Paul Stamets with the goal of building a bridge between people and fungi, Fungi Perfecti has become synonymous with cutting-edge mycological research and innovative mycological solutions in everything from water filtration (mycofiltration) and ecological rehabilitation (mycoremediation), to using beneficial mushrooms to support human health through their Host Defense® Mushrooms™ supplements. Their sustainability efforts are a natural extension of their continued mission to explore, study, preserve, and spread knowledge about the use of fungi for helping people and planet.*
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.